Developer, admin, technical writer, trainer.
Many links to publications provided below are unfortunately defunct.
I've retained them here for posterity. Original documents available on request.
Sites I've worked on or built are linked to from the Career section.
Author of "The BeOS Bible", a 1,000-page exploratory reference for Be's media-optimized desktop operating system, published by Peachpit Press in March, 1999. This book represents five years of involvement with BeOS and 10 months of intensive research and writing. The BeOS Bible sold more than 50,000 copies before going out of print.
Author of "MP3: The Definitive Guide," published by O'Reilly and Associates March, 2000. This 400-page book was the most technically oriented MP3 guide on the market, and received high marks from reviewers at The book has sold more than 30,000 copies.
Author of nearly 100 reviews, columns, essays, and analytical pieces on computer industry trends, products, and people for ZDNet, Byte, Wired, PC Magazine, InternetUser, Windows Sources, Tripod Online, The Utne Reader, and others.
From 2007 - 2011 I wrote or co-authored dozens of technical training tutorials for KDMC. A complete list can be found in the Tutorials section of this page. Highlights below.
Put Weblogs to Work (July 2003). Overview/review of primary blogging systems and desktop posting clients available at that time.
Serve It Up (November 2002). Technical how-to/overview on turning any OS X machine into a PHP/MySQL development platform. Later hosted a panel at MacWorld Expo on this topic.
Excerpts from the BeOS Bible are available online, as is the entire BeOS R4.5 update. The book has been reviewed in several places, links here.
The web site for MP3: The Definitive Guide includes links to reviews of the book. O'Reilly and Associates maintain a separate site for MP3:TDG. Both sites include links to excerpts from the book and related essays not included in the book itself.
A self-published article documenting my personal transition from BeOS to Mac OS X in December 2001, Tales of a BeOS Refugee, was linked to widely.
I wrote a monthly column on BeOS-related issues for for more than two years. Pieces of note include: A complete index of all 30 Byte columns is freely available.
I've written approximately half of the 600 BeOS tips and tricks at The BeOS Tip Server (as well as creating and maintaining the site itself).
Staff editor, contributor, and Senior Advisor at BeNews. A few of the dozens of pieces written for them:
Nearly two dozen pieces of commentary and analysis on BeOS are available at ZDNet's BeHive. Some highlights are listed below. These articles are growing quite long in the tooth at this point...
In addition, I've written a number of reviews on BeOS releases and software products for PC Magazine's FirstLooks and SecondLooks divisions: