Encouraging users to add avatars to profiles

One of the things that has vexed me since launching bucketlist.org a few months ago is the fact that most users don’t enter any sort of profile information whatsoever – not even an icon/avatar to represent themselves. In fact, I did a quick query the other night and discovered that only 1/4 of users had set up an avatar. This realization was both surprising and disappointing to me — surprising because most users of other social networks (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) go to lengths to make sure their profile info is complete and up to date. People on Twitter know that most people won’t even bother following people who don’t have personal icons.

Why was bucketlist being viewed differently by its users? And what could I do to encourage users to add profile info, or at least images of themselves?

One problem, I realized, was that the default avatar I was using on the site to represent avatar-less users was too bland. It didn’t bother users to be represented like this:

Toyed briefly with the idea of replacing the generic icon with something ridiculous, to motivate people to change it as soon as possible. But I don’t want to annoy or embarrass users. Also contemplated using some kind of Ajax-y banner thing to gently remind users to set up an avatar. Then it hit me last night – I don’t have to show the same image to everyone – why not do it like this:

if showing a bucketlist or goal whose owning user has an avatar, show that
if showing someone else’s list or item with no avatar, show the usual generic avatar
if showing your own list or item and you dont have an avatar, show something else

This trick replies on a bit of psychology – since the user probably assumes that everyone sees their lists and items with same icon they’re currently seeing, there’s a strong incentive to change it. Here’s what I came up with, based somewhat on a similar approached used for new Twitter accounts:

The other difference is that, while most avatars on the site link to the item owner’s main list page, this one links to the user’s own profile editing page. I suspect that part of the problem was that many users just didn’t notice or care that they even could edit their profiles, despite the presence of a giant “Edit Your Profile” button. Now there’s no mistaking the option.

After a week with this system, we found little to no increase in the number of users adding avatars to their profiles, so I upped the ante a bit by throwing up a friendly splash screen when the following conditions were true:

  • User has been logged in for three minutes
  • User is currently adding an item
  • User has no avatar
  • User has not yet been “nagged”

After two weeks with this system in effect, I crunched some numbers (using querysets in the Django ORM) and discovered that the new “nag” system raised the percentage of users adding avatars from 24% to 33% – a measurable difference, but still nowhere near the increase I was hoping for.

I’m not willing to nag any more than that – the real key is getting users to see the site as a social site, not just a personal list repository. I think deeper integration with social networks will make a greater difference.

Loose Notes from Djangocon 2010

It’s been inspiring to watch the growth of the Django developer community, and the increasing traction the platform is getting from high-profile sites. NASA, The Onion, Washington Post, Mozilla, PBS, and many other prominent organizations are discovering the power of deploying on a pure Python framework, rather than on an opinionated CMS written in PHP that gets in your way as much as it helps. I was lucky to attend the first Djangocon at Google headquarters a couple of years ago, and lucky again to be able to attend the conference in Portland, OR this year.

Three solid days of panels on topics ran the gamut from low-level detail-oriented sessions like tips on working with forms to high-level recommendations from experts on things like scaling to high-traffic situations, automating the deployment process, and what could be done better. As with any conference, 3/4 of the value is in the panels, and the other 1/4 is in the networking – meeting and talking with people working with the same toolchains, exchanging tips and helping one another. I learned a ton this year. There were surprises, too – from everyone getting their own pony in their shwag bag  to the visit from Oregon congressman David Wu, to the realization that I wasn’t the most junior developer in the room, to the discovery that you could get full to the point of bursting at a vegan restaurant.

About that pony: It all started during a discussion on what features should go into the next version of Django, when someone said “I want a pony!” The feature under discussion was delivered, and the person got their pony. That led to the creation of playful sites like djangopony.com and My Little Django. Hilarious at the time, but honestly, I think the meme has played itself out, and may have just jumped the shark with everyone getting their own pony this year. I love the pony, and I love my new Pinky Pie, but I’m ready for the meme to go away now.

While most sessions were highly technical, one of the highlights was the keynote presentation by Eric Florenzano of the Djangodose podcast, “Why Django Sucks (And How We Can Fix It).” video | slides . The talk generated some controversy, but that’s healthy and good. The talk was refreshing for its honesty and forthcoming with actual solution proposals on most points. Django appeals to enterprise in part because it takes a conservative approach toward change, but the atmosphere of the platform must remain on its toes to stay competitive and forward-thinking.

Newly launched: whydjango.com – to become a collection of case studies explaining why Django is a good fit for organizations and enterprises. I plan to submit case studies for the Graduate School of Journalism and the Knight Digital Media Center soon.

Took copious notes at most of the sessions, but have only edited them lightly – apologies for typos and incomplete sentences. And sorry this is so long! (I didn’t have time to make it shorter). Downloadable slides from many of the talks are available here. And of course I only attended half of the sessions by definition. Full list of sessions here. Want to watch the whole thing? Videos of the sessions are already up!

Continue reading “Loose Notes from Djangocon 2010”

Alvarado Park

Amazing solo geocaching hike today, starting in Alvarado Park in Richmond, CA. 7.2 miles in nearly 4 hours, absolutely perfect weather. Soon left Alvarado for surrounding areas (some private, some public).

At the peak, looking out over the entire Bay Area and meditating on the people I love, struck again by just how majestic the Bay Area is on a perfect day. Spiritual moment.

Took a wrong turn off the peak and ended up in Richmond neighborhoods… which wasn’t all bad — had a grand tour of the East Bay Waldorf School (solar powered art studio, log cabins, little racks full of galoshes so students can play in the rain) before heading back up and over the hill through private property (hopped a barbed wire fence, but worth it). Found myself in some insane machete territory without a machete, powering through blackberries, poison oak and thistle for half a mile – I was committed to the route by that point.

Lesson: Don’t rely on old geocache data in the GPS. Last time I had loaded up this area was in 2008, and several caches had gone defunct in the mean time, including one I really wanted to get in an elaborate hut made of sticks. At another point, found myself in the middle of a herd of cows looking for something that didn’t exist. Mother cow very protective toward her calf, had to move slowly and not provoke.

Also made some experimental photos with the new HDR setting in iOS 4.1, below.


(Click for full-size version). HDR mode doesn’t always work perfectly, but when it does, it’s amazing.